Master in Quantum Science and Technology (Final deadline extended! Apply by Oct 24th, 2024)

We are proud to announce the first edition of the Master in Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), a practical and strategic one-year program to deepen quantum science and technologies, with highly customizable paths. The Master is organized within the project QUASIMODO: Quantum sensing and modelling for one health, for which the Department of Physics has been recognized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) as Department of Excellence. Applications will open in May 2024, and several fellowships will be available. A major degree in STEM disciplines is required to be eligible. To connect with our instructors and receive updates on both applications and available
internships at our industrial partners, please register on our admissions page.
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Convegno: SECOND Q-REVOLUTION (Venerdì 20 settembre 2024 / h 16:30)

The future is here and now.
Venerdì 20 settembre 2024 / h 16:30
Aula A Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica
Via Orabona, 4
Convegno: Tecnologie quantistiche per le imprese (Lunedì 16 settembre 2024 / h 16:00)

Opportunità di sviluppo e formazione per il territorio.
Lunedì 16 settembre 2024 / h 16:00
Sala convegni “A. AMBROSI”
Camera di Commercio di Bari
Corso Cavour, 2
M. D’Angelo, G. Massaro, F.V. Pepe (Guests editors)
Announcement: Quantum 2024 Summer School on Quantum Science and Technologies in Apulia (16 – 20 September 2024)

Quotlab is pleased to announce that the Quantum 2024 Summer School on Quantum Science and Technologies will take place in Bari (Italy) from 16 to 20 September 2024. Quantum 2024, organized by Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (UniBA), Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) and INFN Sezione di Bari, in synergy with the Quantum Workshops held every two years in Turin, is oriented to PhD students, Master students and young researchers, and aims to provide a privileged vision of quantum science and technologies, with both a theoretical and an experimental perspective.
Information on registration will be provided shortly. Please follow the updates on the School webpage and spread the notice to all the interested colleagues and students. Milena D’Angelo and Francesco Pepe are available for any related inquiry.
Workshop: Qu3D
Qu3D workshop 2024 has been organized by Palacky University Olomouc in Olomouc (CZ), on 30-31 May 2024.
Qu3D talks:
Quantera Qu3D project introduction Milena D’Angelo National institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
Innovative devices for 3D correlation imaging Francesco V. Pepe, Gianlorenzo Massaro National institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
CMOS SPAD arrays: A review of recent developments Claudio Bruschini Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland
SPAD arrays with sub-ns synchronization and 10ns global exposure Paul Mos Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland
Application of Compressive Sensing in the Domain of Correlation Plenoptic Imaging George Filios Planetek Hellas, Greece
Optimizing Data Processing for applications in Quantum Plenoptic Imaging using GPUs George Filios Planetek Hellas, Greece
Deep learning approach for CPI denoising Francesco V. Pepe National institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
Tomographic approach to CPI data processing Bohumil Stoklasa Palacký Univesity, Czech Republic
Quantum Imaging talks:
Fast spectrometer near Heisenberg uncertainty principle limit Andrei Nomerotski Stony Brook University, USA
Photon correlations for phase and super-resolution fluorescence imaging Radek Łapkiewicz University of Warsaw, Poland
Super-sensitive phase imaging using classical and quantum resources Álvaro Cuevas The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain
Time resolved imaging with two photon interferometry Ashley Lyons University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Two-beam light with simultaneous anti-correlations in photon-number fluctuations and sub-poissonian statistics Jan Peřina Joint Laboratory of Optics, Czech Republic
Linearity and scalability of photon counting Miroslav Ježek Palacký Univesity, Czech Republic
Imaging and sensing for the characterization of precision optical systems Bohumil Stoklasa Meopta – optika s.r.o, Czech Republic
Poster session:
Photon number resolving detection and photon statistics Josef Hloušek Palacký University, Czech Republic
Sensing with single organic molecules at room temperature Anežka Dostálová Palacký University, Czech Republic
Device-agnostic single-emitter super-resolution using deep learning Filip Juráň Palacký University, Czech Republic
Dynamic light scattering for ultra-low particle concentration detection Robert Stárek Palacký University, Czech Republic
All-fiber microendoscopic polarization sensing at single-photon level aided by deep-learning Dominik Vašinka Palacký University, Czech Republic
Quantum non-Gaussian character of the photon-number-resolving detectors Jan Grygar Palacký University, Czech Republic
Non-classicality criteria for bipartite optical fields characterized by quadratic detectors Václav Michálek Joint Laboratory of Optics, Czech Republic

Workshop: ADEQUADE
Adequade workshop 2024 has been organized by the QuOT Lab to be held in Bari, on 22-23 Feb 2024.
Invited speakers:
Quantum ghost imaging Dominik Walter (FHG)
Quantum illumination Francesco Poggiali (LDO)
Correlation plenoptic imaging Milena D’Angelo (UNIBA, INFN)
Super resolution Ivano Ruo Berchera (INRIM)
Poster session:
Low-noise mid-infrared coherent sources for precision sensing applications Simone Borri (CNR-INO)
Mid-Infrared sensing and ranging: MIR-wavelength photonic integrated FMCW-LIDAR Lorenzo Mancini (GEM)
Modal decomposition for separation estimation of optical sources Antonin Grateau (LKB)
Coherent mid-infrared ranging Bruno Martin (TRT)

Special Issue “Imaging and Sensing with Correlated Photons” – NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE!

The QuOT Lab is glad to announce that a call for contributions to a new special issue of Photonics is now open (New Deadline: 10 June 2023). For more information, please click on the link below:
Quantum 2022: Summer School on Quantum Optical Technologies in Apulia (18 – 24 September 2022)

The School is organized by Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro and INFN Sezione di Bari, with the support of Regione Puglia, in continuity with the Quantum Workshops held every two years in Turin.
The School is oriented to PhD students, master students and young researchers, and aims to provide a privileged vision of quantum optical technologies, from quantum imaging and metrology to quantum communication, computing, and simulation, with both a theoretical and an experimental perspective.
The School is dedicated to prof. Franco Selleri, who has started the research on the foundations of quantum mechanics in the Physics Department of Bari.
Click here for more information. REGISTRATION IS OPEN! (Deadline 11 April 2022)
Italian Quantum Weeks (March 26 – May 31 2022)

Discovering the quantum world!
Quantum mechanics, the set of laws that govern the world of atoms and elementary particles, upsets our way of conceiving reality with its fascinating oddities.
Quantum technologies, based on the use of quantum mechanics in everyday life applications, are bringing about a new technological revolution that we must learn to understand and manage.
The Italian Quantum Weeks are promoted by Italian scientists, engineers, science communicators and educators on the occasion of the first World Quantum Day (April 14, 2022) with the aim of raising awareness of the quantum world and the opportunities that the quantum revolution is about to bring.
Follow the Italian Quantum Weeks by clicking on these links:
Official website:
For information and communications: